Dreaming the medical dream, Running the long run
TUSM Archive
History is a mirror, which brightens the current, and the future. In 1907, German doctor Erich Paulun founded the Shanghai German medicine school. In experience of more than a hundred year, Tongji University School of Medicine is ready now, to process to the first-class stands in the world.
Tongji University School of Medicine (TUSM)
To ignite the flame of the other life with holding a star in hand
Donating the hemopoietic stem cells
Here is a chance in 1/10000 probability, but my honor and duty to light the hope of another life.
Mengmeng Zhang, an undergraduate in 2015, TUSM
卓越医学生养成之选择临床医学院—杨浦医院 LI Xiang Filming time: 2019-08-27
卓越医学生养成之选择临床医学院—东方医院 LI Xiang Filming time: 2019-08-27